Nicholas Rubin
Nick is currently away from Elexon on secondment but will be returning in due course. Please contact the Communications Team in his absence.
Role at Elexon
I am a Market Design Advisor in the Market Intelligence and Advisory Team at Elexon. The team are accountable for Elexon’s overall strategy formulation and implementation.
Experience at Elexon
I have been a Market Architect in the Design Authority team which is accountable for design integrity of settlement products and services that Elexon provide. We also provide valued market design solutions to our customers and stakeholders meeting their needs in the environment of innovation and technology change
I have been Chairperson of the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) which is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Imbalance Settlement processes and systems in the Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Market.
My primary experience is in relation to the development and communication of regulatory policy and the commercial arrangements that govern the operation of the electricity and gas wholesale and retail markets, and for distributing electricity.
I have a track record of advising stakeholders on the industry arrangements, providing insightful commentary on issues that affect utility businesses and helping to develop effective solutions.
Amongst other things I have worked on projects aimed at simplifying the requirements for the central registration of generating plant (including storage) and reform to embedded generator benefits.
Interviews, presentations and articles
- Elexon insights: Unlocking the benefits to end consumers – Last Updated 12/09/2018
Experience within the industry
I have over 10 years’ experience working with utility businesses in the electricity and gas industries.