Paul Angus

Paul’s Career history

Paul joined the unmetered section in 2000 and took over the roles of both Meter Administrator and UMSO in 2004. Though SSEN Paul gave up the role of MA in 2011. Paul work’s in a team of two that oversee all aspects of UMS work, including the day to day running of the department dealing with emails, inventory loads and queries received.

Paul has a general understanding of the processes, both industry as well as those used within the day to day operation of our unmetered department and other business areas who are involved in SSENs unmetered connection process.

Paul’s achievements include being involved in the initial discussions and trial relating to both the introduction of EV chargers as well as Openreach cabinets. Paul is currently the appointed SSEN lead role within MHHS and acts as the main SSEN business expert on all matters relating to unmetered.


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