Quarterly Performance Assurance Reports


The Quarterly Performance Assurance Report (QPAR) provides the results of the risk evaluation and risk assurance procedures for each quarter of the Performance Assurance Operating Period (PAOP), in particular how well the techniques mitigated the Settlement Risks.

About the report

The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) is required, by Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Section Z 8.11, to prepare an Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR).

ELEXON provides a Quarterly Performance Assurance Report  which includes:

  • Results from risk evaluation and risk assurance procedures focussing on the outcome of deployment of Performance Assurance Techniques (PAT)
  • The actual costs associated in delivering the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) compared with the estimated costs set out in the Risk Operating Plan (ROP)
  • Recommendations for modifying the Performance Assurance Techniques

In addition, the content of the QPAR focuses on the Performance Assurance activities undertaken within the previous quarter. This may mean that, within each QPAR, the content and information provided changes or has a specific focus in line with activities undertaken.

Report’s content list

  • Overview
  • Key Points of Progress
  • Risk Landscape
  • Risk Manager Update
  • Key Industry Metrics
  • Focussed Risk and Event Overview
  • Risks
  • Risk Events
  • Other Notable Risk Updates
  • Technique Updates
  • BSC Audit Market Issues
  • Disputes
  • Error and Failure Resolution
  • Technical Assurance Audit
  • Supplier Charges
  • Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties
  • Plans for Next Quarter

Each quarterly report’s scope

ELEXON will, over the course of the four quarterly reports, cover the full scope of the Performance Assurance Framework and our Risk Operating Plan. As a guide, we anticipate the four quarterly reports to have focus on the following areas:

  • QPAR 1: Initial activities for the ROP and reporting development progress
  • QPAR 2: Progress against ROP and how BSC Audit findings impact Risks
  • QPAR 3: Planning for the next Performance Assurance Operating Period and Risk Reviews
  • QPAR 4: PAF Costs and Headline achievements within the existing Performance Assurance Operating Period

Ongoing development of Risk Reporting

Elexon is continuing to produce reporting for all key Risk areas to support Performance Assurance activities. Elexon has streamlined the delivery of reporting by adopting the following principles:

  • Scale back the level of detail of planned reporting
  • Focus only on data we already have available and which is most relevant to the material impact of each Risk area
  • Schedule the delivery of smaller, but more frequent products


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