BSC audit reports


This page details the various reports related to the BSC Audit and includes information on the Audit Issues Report, the Funding Shares Audit and the Scope and approach documents.

Audit Issues Report

Following the audit, individual and confidential Audit Issue documents will be sent to selected organisations (Audited Entities) and will describe breaches of relevant BSC obligations for any non–compliances that may have been identified. The Auditor will also make recommendations in respect of rectification and all material Audit Issues are given an Impact Rating of high, medium or low.

The BSC Audit Report

The BSC Auditor presents the Annual BSC Audit Report to the BSC Panel in June of each year.

The Audit reports are split between the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Opinion covering CVA MOAs and Central Systems, and the Process Assessment Report covering Suppliers, SVA Agents and CVA Registrants.

Funding Shares Audit

The Funding Shares Audit forms part of the BSC Audit. Findings from the Funding Shares Audit are published separately.

Scope and approach documents

The BSC Panel sets the scope of the BSC Audit each year. Following this, the BSC Auditor develops an Audit approach, which describes how it will deliver the work required to meet the scope.

The scope of the BSC Audit is set by the Panel for each Audit year and includes the determination of the annual Audit Materiality Threshold.

The BSC Auditor will ‘Qualify’ its audit opinion if it cannot provide reasonable assurance that the total level of error in Settlement is less than the Materiality Threshold.

The Materiality Threshold is currently 1.2TWh which represents approximately 0.5% of the total annual electricity supplied across Great Britain in the preceding calendar year.

The BSC Audit incorporates the Funding Shares Audit and takes account of the findings of the Balancing Mechanism (BM) Audit performed by National Grid’s Auditor.

Scope for 2024-2025

Scope for 2023-2024

Scope for 2022-2023

Scope for 2021-2022

Scope for 2020-2021

Scope for 2019-2020

Scope for 2018-2019

Scope for 2017-2018 (H3)

Scope for 2016-2017 (H3)

Scope for 2015-2016

Scope for 2014-2015


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