BSC change process


The BSC Change procedure is used to manage changes to the BSC arrangements in response to any concerns, problems or defects that Parties may identify in the current processes. Under these processes, changes can be made to the Balancing and Settlement Code, its Code Subsidiary Documents and to BSC Systems.

How it relates to you

The BSC Change process can be used to make changes to the BSC arrangements in response to any concerns, problems or defects that Parties may identify in the current processes.

There are several processes for progressing Change, depending on the nature of your Change and whether you have a clear solution in mind.


Any BSC Party (except Elexon and its subsidiaries), Citizens Advice, Citizens Advice Scotland, other bodies designated by Ofgem and, in limited cases, the BSC Panel, Ofgem, a Contracts for Difference (CfD) Counterparty or the Capacity Market (CM) Settlement Body can raise a Modification Proposal.

Change Proposals

Change Proposal (CPs) can be raised by Elexon, BSC Agents, BSC Parties, the BSC Panel, Panel Committees, Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland. Please note that Party Agents cannot raise CPs, and will need to ask a BSC Party to raise one on their behalf.

Draft Change Proposals

Draft Change Proposal (DCPs) can be raised by Elexon, BSC Agents, BSC Parties, the BSC Panel, Panel Committees, Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland. Please note that Party Agents cannot raise DCPs, and will need to ask a BSC Party to raise one on their behalf.


Issues can be raised by Elexon, BSC Agents, BSC Parties, the BSC Panel, Panel Committees, Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland. Please note that Party Agents cannot raise Issues, and will need to ask a BSC Party to raise one on their behalf.

More about the Change process

About the Performance Assurance process

The Change Mechanism is a remedial technique in Elexon’s Performance Assurance Framework. This provides a mechanism to correct areas of weakness in the design of Settlement under the BSC.

This limits the scope of the technique to only those applications of the change process made in order to address specific defects relating to Settlement Risks. It is distinct from the more general Change Management function and the assurance that it may provide to Trading Parties.

BSC obligations

BSC Section F ‘Modification Procedures’ outline the BSC Change processes. Subject to paragraph 1.1.8, the Code may be modified from time to time (and may only be modified) pursuant to the Transmission Licence. The subject is also detailed in BSCP40 ‘Change Management’.


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