Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS)


This page explains how the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) collects data and how it supports a number of Performance Assurance Techniques.

How it relates to you

The PARMS database contains information about how Suppliers and their Supplier Hubs are performing.

Performance data is submitted by:

  • Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRAs)
  • Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA)

PARMS data is one of the inputs to Supplier Charges.

About the data

PARMS data is provided by Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRAs) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA). Performance requirements are defined within PARMS Serials. PARMS Serials and Standards are defined Service Levels that effect:

  • Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Meter Operator Agents (MOA)
  • Supplier Meter Registration Service Agents (SMRS)

Serials and standards

The Serial determines the process being measured. The purpose of the Serials is to provide assurance that participants are meeting their obligations in the BSC and Code Subsidiary documents.

The Standards are the measurement points within the process.

Data used elsewhere

It is used in the Peer Comparison and Supplier Charges information techniques and in reports to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB). The data is published with PAB meeting papers each month.

Peer Comparison Graphs are published on the BSC website and include: 

Technique within Performance Assurance process

The Performance Reporting and Monitoring process is a detective technique in Elexon’s Performance Assurance Framework. It complements the BSC Audit and Technical Assurance processes through the provision of quantitative data designed to identify performance at key control points in Settlement processes.

BSC obligations

Section Z of the BSC sets out PAB’s responsibilities with regard to performance monitoring and reporting.

The Serials and Standards are established in Annex S-1 of the BSC and identified within Section J of the BSC as being further defined in BSCP533 ‘PARMS Data Provision’.


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