April 2020 Standalone Releases

There are now two distinct implementations in April with go-live dates of 1 April and 8 April 2020.

Scope of the Release

For implementation on 1 April 2020 : 

P354 Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level
P388 Aligning the P344 and P354 Solutions

We do not anticipate this modification will directly impact Parties over and above impacts already identified through Modification P354, other than some system calculation steps. This modification aligns P354 with P344 that was implemented in December 2019. Further details will be added to this page when available.

For implementation on 8 April 2020 : 

P400 BSC Panel Modification Business via Video/Teleconference
P401 Governance arrangements for BSC Panel Alternates

Circulars relating to this release can be found here.


These releases have now been implemented

April 2020 Standalone Release - Sample Files

  • Version 010 of the SAA-I014 sub-flow 1: This file will contain dummy data and should be tailored to include the relevant Market Participant ID in the header before you can load it.  
  • Version 010 of the SAA-I014 sub-flow 2
  • P0287: A generic sample file for suppliers
  • D0354A generic sample file that  will contain dummy Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) and will should be tailored to include the relevant Market Participant ID in the header before you can load it.

April 2020 Standalone Release - Impact Matrix


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