List of Change Releases for 2023
This page sets out the different Release information for each of the releases that are schedule for 2023. The page includes information for Standard Releases, which take place three times per year; Non-Standard Releases, which are scheduled for Regulatory driven changes; and Special Releases which have a recommended Implementation Date of [five] Working Days following Ofgem approval.
On this page
February 2023 Release
Implementation date
The approved date for this release is 23 February 2023.
Approved amendments
You can find the approved amendments for each document for each change on the relevant change page. We also publish Conformed Versions of documents on the Changes Awaiting Implementation webpage, which include amendments to the documents for all approved changes (and not just this Release).
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Approved Changes
- P376: ‘Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications’
- P419: ‘Extension of P383 to include non-final Demand’
- P427:Publication of Performance Assurance Parties’ impact on Settlement Risk
- P428: ‘Correction to P376 Legal Text’
- CP1569:‘Amendments to the IDD documentation to align with SAA migration’
CP1573 ‘Amendments to the IDD Pt 1 Spreadsheet, SVA DC and REC EMAR Data Specification for P376’
P450 ‘Housekeeping and making the BSC gender neutral’
Impact on BSC Systems
- P376 impacts SAA
- P419 impacts SVAA
Configurable Items impacted by this Release
Certain documents (in accordance with the Baseline Statement) are approved when the change is approved. Others; following approval of the change, are drafted and approved as part of the implementation phase.
All documents on the Baseline Statement are issued for industry consultation or comment and approved by the BSC Panel or Panel Sub-Committee.
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the February 2023 Standard Release in the Document Impact Matrix.
April 2023 Special Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 24 April 2023
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
- P452 ‘Replacement of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic customers with the Energy Bill Discount Scheme’
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the April 2023 Special Release in the Document Impact Matrix.
June 2023 Standard Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 29 June 2023.
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Approved Changes
CP1558 ‘New Registration data items to facilitate MHHS’
- CP1568 ‘Inclusion of new LDSO-mastered SMRS data items’
CP1571 ‘Clarify the number of Meter measuring elements and measurement transformers’
- CP1572 ‘Specifying the requirements to provide SLDs for HV and EHV sites
- CP1580 ‘Making the Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) gender neutral and Housekeeping’
Configurable Items impacted by this Release
Certain documents (in accordance with the Baseline Statement are approved when the change is approved. Others following approval of the change, are drafted and approved as part of the Implementation Phase.
All documents on the Baseline Statement are issued for industry consultation or comment and approved by the BSC Panel or a Panel Sub-Committee.
Impact of documentation
The Document Impact Matrix lists all impacted configurable Items and other documents.
October 2023 Special Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 10 October 2023
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the October 2023 Special Release in the Document Impact Matrix.
November 2023 Standard Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 2 November 2023.
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Approved Changes
P395 ‘Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution’
P453 ‘Metering Dispensation process improvements and clarification to the CoPs’
- CP1574 ‘Improving the use of the D0215 data flow in the relevant industry processes’
CP1575 ‘Permitting the use of busbar voltage transformers within metering Codes of Practice 1 and 2’
CP1576 ‘New Interconnector Fuel Type Category: Viking Link’
CP1577 ‘To clarify the sending of a D0151 is required for all COS NHH loss processes’
CP1579 ‘Allowing HHDCs to undergo Protocol Approval before completing Qualification’
- CP1581 ‘Recommendation to update BSCP18 following Issue 105’
CP1583 ‘Rationalising publication of European Transparency Regulation (ETR) data on Elexon Systems’
Impact on BSC Systems
- P395 impacts SAA and SVAA
- PDF Version of SVAA URS – The Digital Code Version will be live in due course.
Data Flows that are impacted by Nov 23 Release
- The file structure of each P Flow is specified in the document- NETA Interface Definition and Design Part 1 spreadsheet (SVAA Tab) and are the flows relevant to the Industry.
- The flows shown below are existing but have been revised to include the Supplier as well as the AMVLP. Some of the flows have been re-named as shown in the comments.
- A user can use the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution to enter the required details directly into the system for the P flows to be generated, or can upload a file into the system using the IDD format specified. These P flows will then be sent to SVAA for validation.
Data Flow |
Name |
From |
To |
Response To |
Comments |
P0297 |
Asset Registration |
AMVLP / Supplier |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
N/A |
If filled in by a Supplier the BM Unit Id should be left blank as this is relating to a secondary BM Unit. |
P0298 |
Rejection of Asset Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0297 |
P0299 |
Confirmation of Asset Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0297 |
P0300 |
Registration of Asset Metering Agents |
AMVLP / Supplier |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
N/A |
Renamed from Registration of AMVLP Agents. |
P0301 |
Rejection of Asset Metering Agent Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0300 |
Renamed from Rejection of AMVLP Agent Registration |
P0302 |
Confirmation of Asset Metering Agent Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0300 |
Renamed from Confirmation of AMVLP Agent Registration |
P0303 |
Asset Meter Registration |
AMVLP / Supplier |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
N/A |
P0304 |
Rejection of Asset Meter Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0303 |
P0305 |
Confirmation of Asset Meter Registration |
Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution |
AMVLP / Supplier |
P0303 |
CP1576 adds data for Viking Link Interconnector into various flows for Generation by Fuel Type and Output Usable, by expanding the Fuel Type valid set.
These flows can be consumed by BMRS website, API, Data Push, TIBCO, CSV and XML downloads as well as our Elexon Kinnect Insights Solution. CP1576 also means that the .bmr files received from National Grid’s BM Systems/EBS will also change to include data for Viking Link.
Configurable Items impacted by this Release
Certain documents (in accordance with the Baseline Statement are approved when the change is approved. Others following approval of the change, are drafted and approved as part of the Implementation Phase.
All documents on the Baseline Statement are issued for industry consultation or comment and approved by the BSC Panel or a Panel Sub-Committee.
Impact of documentation
The Document Impact Matrix lists all impacted configurable Items and other documents.
08 November Special Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 08 November 2023
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the 08 November 2023 Special Release in the Document Impact Matrix.
09 November Special Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 09 November 2023
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the 09 November 2023 Special Release in the Document Impact Matrix.
10 November Special Release
Implementation date
The approved Implementation Date for this Release is 10 November 2023
Scope of the Release
The following changes are in scope:
Impact of documentation
You can see a complete list of BSC documents impacted by the 09 November 2023 Special Release in the Document Impact Matrix.