November 2017 Release
Scope of the Release
The implementation date for this Release is 2 November 2017.
The scope of the Release is three approved Modifications and five approved Change Proposals:
- P335 – Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes in the indicative cashout price
- P336 – Fuel types on the BMRS
- P342 – Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications
- CP1478 – Automate the loading of the DF Matrix
- CP1479 – Updates to the Defined Metering Points in Codes of Practice 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10
- CP1484 – Introduction of Additional SVAA Validation at SVA Run time
- CP1485 – Validation of power transformer and cable/line loss adjustments
- CP1488 – Align the NETA IDD spreadsheet with the live implementation of the SAA-1014 flow
Revised software deployment date for CP1484
CP1484 seeks to introduce additional validation measures in Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) runs to identify large erroneous consumption values that are entering Settlement. Firstly, individual Data Aggregator (DA) data will be validated and checked for the plausibility of the consumption values. DAs will be required to confirm validity (or not) of DA files identified by the validation check as breaching defined tolerances. Secondly, it will ensure there is a complete set of DA data ready for the SVA run, with the SVAA defaulting files where necessary. Lastly, it will include checks on the out-turn volumes allocated and levels of correction required during the run.
The deployment date of the CP1484 SVAA software changes will be implemented on 13 December 2017. This is to allow for sufficient time to rigorously test the solution for CP1484. It will also allow testing of the new tolerances which are set to capture high materiality data errors before they could enter financial Settlement.
This will have no impact on BSC Parties’ systems, or Party Agents’ systems.
Please note
- CP1480 – Creation of a new authorisation category for corrections to BOA related data – Has been rejected by the ISG and SVG committee groups and will not be included as part of the November 2017 BSC Release.
- CP1483 – Changes to BSCP550 – Shared Metering Arrangements – Has been moved to the February 2018 BSC Release.
Amended Configurable Items for the November 2017 Release
Impact Matrix
Click to open the X0160 November 20 17 Release – Impact Matrix v2.0
If you have any queries about the November 2017 Release, please contact the Release Manager, Seema Malhotra by emailing: [email protected]