Issue 100 was raised by National Grid ESO on 5 April 2022.
The first Workgroup meeting was held on Friday 24 June 2022. The Workgroup discussed the background to Issue 100, potential BSC impacts and agreed areas for further development at future Workgroup meetings. An Actions update from this meeting has been shared with the Workgroup and added to the meeting page on our website.
The Proposer agreed to pause the work of Issue 100 pending the outcome of a subgroup of Grid Code (GC) Modification GC0156: Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard. A note to the subgroup on BSC compensation and imbalances can be found in the Documents section below.
Elexon responded to the GC0156 Workgroup Consultation on 20 December 2022 to highlight the potential BSC implications, including seeking NGESO’s confirmation that Issue 100 can be closed – since it no longer reflects its latest thinking on the intended BSC changes.
Elexon also responded to the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) Modification Proposal CMP398: GC0156 Cost Recovery mechanism for CUSC Parties Workgroup Consultation on 10 January 2023, to highlight the potential interactions between the CMP398 solution and the BSC’s existing process for Black Start compensation claims.
Elexon’s consultation responses can be found in the Documents section below.
The Issue 100 Proposer (NGESO) confirmed that they are happy for Issue 100 to be closed.
P451 ‘Updating BSC Black Start provisions and compensation arrangements to align with NGESO’s new approach to System Restoration’ was raised by NGESO on 1 March 2023.
The Issue 100 Issue Report was tabled at the BSC Panel meeting on 11 May 2023.