Market Entry Process Video
Becoming a LDSO or IDNO
This page lists and details the step-by-step process of becoming a Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) or Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO). You will also learn about what qualifications are needed, the relevant costs and charges and any other information you may need to know.
Video on the Supplier Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market as a Supplier.
Video on the SVA Qualification Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Qualification process for entering the energy market. If you wish to operate in any of the Supplier Volume Party Agent roles , you will have to undergo SVA Qualification.
Video on the Virtual Lead Party Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market as a Virtual Lead Party (VLP).
Video on the Non Physical Trader Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market for the role as a Non Physical Trader.
Video on the Interconnector User Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market for the role as an Interconnector.
Video on the Generator Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market for the role of a Generator.
Video on the ECVNA & MVRNA Market Entry Process
This page contains a video to explain the process for entering the energy market as an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA).