Contact Elexon Communications Team


The Communications and Engagement Team oversees all internal and external communications. We are also responsible for the digital customer experience and management of the digital channels such as the BSC website, social media, Newscast, events, Circulars, and Elexon company website.

New Elexon Support enquiry service

From 24 January 2024 we will be asking customers to start using the Elexon Support enquiry service as this will replace the Elexon Communication Team web form page and the BSC Service Desk page.

Please amend any bookmarks you may have to this page so that you go directly to Elexon Support. This page will be deleted in due course.

Is yours an operational enquiry?

For operational systems and service enquiries, please use the Elexon Support.

By raising a ticket with the BSC Service Desk this will ensure that your enquiry is registered within our service management system, allocated a ticket reference, and quickly assigned to the appropriate business team.

Operational enquiries include queries relating to: BSC Portal; BMRS; Central Registration Agent; Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent; Energy Price Guarantee; Funds Administration Agent; Kinnect Customer Solution; Supplier Volume Allocation Agent; and Settlement Administration Agent.


Click on the X next to any of the icons to replace them with a short-cut link to the page you are currently on or search for a specific page.