Customer feedback on Elexon’s management
This page explains how Elexon provides an ‘end-to-end’ management service for the BSC and for our customers and highlights how we have performed based on feedback from customer surveys. The last customer survey was conducted during 2021 and the results are available on this page. The next customer survey will occur during 2024.
Serving our customers
Elexon serves 550 market participants (last updated in December 2021), compared with 534 market participants in July 2021. The participants we serve have a wide range of roles within the electricity industry.
Customer satisfaction
We commission independent customer surveys to understand people’s views on our performance. Headline findings from the 2021 survey included that:
- 61% of respondents said they would speak highly of Elexon if asked
- 91% of respondents said that our service had improved or stayed the same in 2021
- Satisfaction with our OSM service improved significantly, with 54% of respondents rating the
service highly, compared with 46% in 2020 - However, the rating our customers give us for value for money declined. In 2020, 63% scored Elexon 8 out of 10 on value for money, falling to 48% in 2021. From the comments received, no specific element was identified here but the survey period did coincide with the sharp increase in wholesale gas prices.
Further detail from customers
The graph below shows the value that respondents to the 2021 survey place on aspects of our service, where the percentage for each bar shows the amount of people who agreed with the ratings (top right). The right hand side of each graph shows how these results compared with the 2020 survey findings.
01 quality of service
- 77% of respondents placed ‘a lot of value’ on the quality of our service, an increase of 6% compared with the 2020 customer survey
- 18% placed ‘some value’ on the quality of our service
- 2% placed ‘no value’ on the quality of our service
- 3% said the quality of our service was not relevant to them
02 giving you access to experts
- 68% of respondents placed ‘a lot of value’ on the access we provide to experts in Elexon – an increase of 5% compared with the 2020 customer survey
- 24% said they placed ‘some value’ on having this access
- 6% placed no value on access
- 2% said that access to experts was not relevant to them
03 The reliability of our service
- 62% of respondents placed a ‘lot of value’ on the reliability of our service – an increase of 1% compared with the 2020 customer survey
- 27% placed ‘some value’ on the reliability of our service
- 1% placed no value on the reliability of our service
- 10% said the reliability of our service was not relevant to them
04 The speed of our service
- 58% of respondents placed a ‘lot of value’ on the speed of our service – an increase of 10% compared with the 2020 customer survey
- 35% placed ‘some value’ on the speed of our service
- 2% placed no value on the speed of our service
- 5% said the speed of our service was not relevant to them
05 Being adaptable
- 46% of respondents placed ‘a lot of value’ on Elexon’s ability to adapt, a decrease of 7% compared with the 2020 customer survey
- 37% placed ‘some value’ on our ability to adapt
- 7% placed no value on our ability to adapt
- 5% said Elexon’s ability to adapt was not relevant to them
06 Keeping costs to a minimum
- 29% of respondents placed ‘a lot of value’ on Elexon’s efforts to keep costs to a minimum – this score was the same for the 2020 survey
- 31% placed ‘some value’ on Elexon’s efforts to keep costs to a minimum
- 7% placed no value on Elexon’s efforts to keep costs to a minimum
- 33% said Elexon’s efforts to keep costs to a minimum was not relevant to them