
MHHS Performance Assurance Working Group (ceased)

The focus of the Performance Assurance Working Group (PAWG) was to deliver a framework for parties that is appropriate to the new MHHS services. This working group has now ceased and has been replaced with the MHHS Settlement Assurance Working Group (SAWG)


Elexon has established the MHHS PAWG to support the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) in considering the Balancing and Settlement Code and Code Subsidiary Document (CSD) changes required to best support the MHHS Target Operating Model (TOM).

In addition, the PAWG will consider the approach to the implementation of Performance Assurance change and MHHS preparation that does not require formal Code changes, where industry discussion and recommendations are required.

The MHHS PAWG will support the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) by considering Code and other changes required to ensure it is ready for MHHS, Qualification, migration and implementation. The areas it will consider include:

  • Performance Standards and Supplier Changes
  • Performance Reporting
  • Data Cleanse planning
  • Qualification for transition and enduring operation
  • Trading Disputes
  • Performance Assurance Framework management
  • BSC Audit

As performance assurance considerations associated with the MHHS Programme impact both the BSC and the Retail Energy Code (REC) in a similar way, the PAWG will discuss equivalent REC changes, supported by the REC Code Manager. References to PAB within these Terms of Reference will therefore cover both the BSC and REC PABs.

PAWG will initially work to shape the Code and CSD changes required to support the MHHS TOM by June 2023. It will then consider the additional changes and preparation required to prepare for MHHS.

The functions of the PAWG

The PAWG may consult industry on any proposed solutions or recommendations.

In addition to any staff made available as non-voting PAWG members, BSCCo shall provide such staff, facilities and support to the group as it may reasonably require to assist with the administration and operation of its business. However, it will not undertake work that falls outside the expected scope and budget of the MHHS Performance preparation activity.

The PAWG is not a decision making group. It will provide recommendations to the PAB. The PAB will then consider these recommendations when determining its own recommendations to CCAG or a recommendation to raise a separate Modification(s) to the BSC or REC.

Join the Working Group

Our MHHS Performance Assurance Working Group meetings are held virtually. If you would like to join the Working Group, please email [email protected].


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