FAQs for SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration


There are different ways to complete the SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration depending on what role you perform within the industry and whether you have access to the Kinnect Customer Solution. This page outlines the way Facility Operators submit their information compared to the way Suppliers submit their information.

Facility Operators

As a Facility Operator you will need to use the BSC website to submit your F602 01 SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration. This is because you will not have access to the Kinnect Customer Solution so will not be able to complete the information through this service.

Q. Where can I find the F602 01 SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration web form?

A. The form can be found on the BSC website under the Metering section in Operational Practices.

This form is only for the use of Facility Operators.

F602 form location on BSC website

Q. Who can submit a Declaration web form?

A. The Facility Operator will need to fill out the details required in the Declaration form. This form is an online web version of the BSCP602/F602 01 SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration form.

Q. Can a Facility Operator save a Declaration as draft?

A. The web form has the option to save a Declaration as draft. When you save a Declaration as draft you will receive the email below with a link to return to your saved Declaration.

Please note that this link will be accessible for one month.

F602 web form email example from BSC website

Q. What happens after a Declaration is submitted?

A. Once a Facility Operator completes and submits a Declaration form on the website, this is sent to the facility Director for approval. This form can be approved or rejected based on the information provided.

If the Director approves a Declaration, it will then be sent to the Supplier via the Kinnect Customer Solution. The Facility Operator and Director will both receive a confirmation email with a PDF attachment containing the details of their submission.

F602 form email with PDF example from BSC website

The Supplier will receive the submitted Declaration through the Kinnect Customer Solution, this will be in draft status and the Supplier will check/amend any details and submit to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) for further validation.

The Supplier will notify you if the Declaration has been successful or not and can confirm the associated Declaration ID.

If the Director rejects the Declaration, the Declaration will be sent back to you via an email notification with the reason for rejection. The email will contain a link where the draft Declaration can be viewed and amended where necessary before re-submitting.

Q. What happens when a Facility has a new Director?

A. If a Director of a facility changes at any time after the first application, there is no action to be taken until a new Declaration is submitted by the Facility Operator.

When a new Declaration is submitted, the new Director’s signature will be checked and validated as active in Companies House as part of the validation for a submitted Declaration (this covers all types of Declarations).

Q. How do I submit a declaration when a site has more than one Supplier?

A. Where the Metering Systems at an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility are registered by more than one Supplier you can submit a SVA Non-Final Demand Declaration document via the web form for each Supplier by using the ‘Submit & Clone’ option.

This will replicate the details entered for the Facility and allow you to enter the details for the other Supplier(s).

Once submitted this would send a SVA Non-Final Demand Declaration to each of the Suppliers in the Kinnect Customer Solution for them to approve.

Q. What Values should I enter for my Facility Maximum Import and Export Capacity ?

A. At the moment only whole numbers are allowed to be entered into the Facility Maximum Import and Export capacity Field. Any import or export capacity values with decimals will need to be rounded-up to the nearest whole number. However, starting from July 2023, capacity values with decimals will be allowed to be entered in the data field.


As a Supplier you will have access to the Kinnect Customer Solution so will be able to submit your SVA Non Final Demand Facility Declaration information through this service. You will not need to use the web form available on the BSC website which should only be used by Facility Operators who do not have access to the Kinnect Customer Solution.

Q. Where can I find the Declaration form in Kinnect?

A. To access this page in the Kinnect Customer Solution, you will be required to log into Kinnect and navigate to the ‘My Company Options’ page to select the ‘Manage Declaration’ tile and then select the ‘Non-Final Demand Declarations’ tile.

Customer Solution option tiles

When you access the Non-Final Demand page you will find a list of all Declarations and their current status.

Customer Solution Non-Final Demand Declarations page

Declarations in ‘Draft’ status are for you as a Supplier to check or amend as necessary and submit for validation. Declarations received from the website will always be in a ’Draft’ status to enable you to take action.

If you initiate a Declaration on behalf of the Facility Operator. You can start a new Declaration by clicking the ‘+’ sign on the right hand side. This takes you to the form to fill in the relevant details.

Q. Who can submit a Declaration in Kinnect?

A. Only Category ‘A’ Signatories from a Supplier’s organisation can submit a Non-Final Demand Declaration. Authorised Signatories from any other Category except ‘A’ can fill in the details of a Declaration form but only save it as draft.

Q. When can I use a Distribution Use of System (DUoS) certificate for a Declaration?

A. DUoS certificate will be accepted with a submitted Declaration in place of a Director’s signature until 30 September 2023.

From 1 October 2023 onwards only a Director’s signature will be accepted.

Q. Can a Declaration form in Kinnect be amended?

A. You only have the ability to amend details for Declarations in draft status. Once submitted, no amendments can be made.

If your Declaration has been rejected by the SVAA you will need to submit a new Declaration.

Q. How do I find out my Declaration ID?

A. The Declaration ID is generated by the Kinnect Customer Solution. You can find your Declaration ID within the Non-Final Demand Declarations page, this is also included within any email notifications you receive from Kinnect.

Please note that you are responsible for informing the Facility Operator of the Declaration ID.

Q. What Values should I enter for my Facility Maximum Import and Export Capacity ?

A. At the moment only whole numbers are allowed to be entered into the Facility Maximum Import and Export capacity Field. Any import or export capacity values with decimals will need to be rounded-up to the nearest whole number. However, starting from July 2023, capacity values with decimals will be allowed to be entered in the data field.


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