Metering data from the Trading Operations Report
The page below details the number of Electricity Metering Systems that are in the Half Hourly or Non Half Hourly Markets. The numbers of certain types of metering systems are also highlighted in this report; these are microgeneration export metering systems and Radio Teleswitch metering systems.
The number of metering systems is spilt by Measurement Class and includes Unmetered MPANs. The graph on microgeneration includes export MPANs from Half Hourly sub-100kW sites as well as export MPANs from Non Half Hourly Sites.
This data is acquired from BSC Agents and inputted to the Trading Operation Monitoring Analysis System (TOMAS) database.
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Metering Systems in the markets
The charts below show the number of Metering Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) split by Measurement Class. A Measurement Class is a way of categorising meters to enable them to be analysed. We have introduced Measurement Class as a way on splitting the data based on customer feedback that the previous HH and NHH split was not granular enough.
The seven measurement classes allow you to identify whether a site is Half Hourly metered (C, E, F and G) or Non Half Hourly metered (A). Unmetered sites (B and D) are any electronic equipment that draws a current and is connected to the Distribution Network without a meter recording its energy consumption.
Generally there is an MPAN assigned for each separate metered supply to premises settled through SVA. The chart therefore provides a high level overview of the growth (or otherwise) in the Half-Hourly and Non-Half Hourly SVA markets.
The data on these charts is taken from the latest Settlement run for that Settlement Date. The filters on the right hand side of the graph allow you to select which data you wish to compare.
Peaks and troughs in the data may indicate metering systems moving between HH and NHH Settlement or other issues that need to be investigated. Sharp adjustments may occur where the latest available data changes to an earlier run type.
Number of Metering Systems
Latest snapshot of number of metering systems compared to volume of energy
This snapshot allows you to compare, for the latest Settlement Date we have data for, the number of metering systems and volume of energy by Measurement Class. While there are far more Non Half Hourly MPANs in Great Britain, the Half Hourly MPANs have a greater volume of electricity import and export per MPAN.
Microgeneration: Metering Systems and Energy Exported
The chart below shows the number of MPANs associated with microgeneration schemes registered in SVA settlements and the energy in MWh exported by these schemes.
The data is summed from the number of MPANs associated with Active Export in Measurement Classes A, E, F and G. Previously this graph only reported on Non Half Hourly sites, however it now includes MPANs from Half Hourly sub-100kW sites.
The up and down nature of the settled energy reflects the weekday vs weekend pattern of Non Half Hourly energy exports. The monthly step changes in the energy volumes reflect changes in the assumed times at which the equipment is exporting. For the Half Hourly metered sites the variability in exports is caused by weather effects on renewable generation. The sharp changes in microgeneration volume are believed to be the result of the Measurement Class A, Non-Half Hourly export volume load profiles rather than sudden changes in actual output.
Number of Radio Teleswitch Meters
The two charts below show the number of Radio Teleswitch Metering Systems in each month and the latest number of Radio Teleswitch Meters by Supplier.
Radio Teleswitch Meters are able to switch between different tariff rates when a signal is broadcast in radio signals. For some homes the same signal is also used to control heating and hot water.
Suppliers are working to replace these metering systems with smart meters. Elexon is actively monitoring the transition of Radio Teleswitch Meters to Smart Meters as the current arrangements for Radio Teleswitch are due to expire June 2025.
Suppliers in this report are identified by their four letter Market Participant ID (MPID).
Number of Remaining Teleswitch Metering Systems
These figures appear to indicate a small increase in the number of meters at some points, this is an artefact of the change in latest available Settlement Run at those points. As later Settlement Runs become available the number of RTS meters for a given Settlement Date tends to reduce slightly as more up to date information filters through.