System Performance data from the Trading Operations Report
The page below details highlighted System Performance data from the previous month. This data is acquired from BSC Agents and inputted to the Trading Operation Monitoring Analysis System (TOMAS) database.
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Submitted Notifications and percentage of Rejections
This graph shows daily average ECVN submissions and rejections for the period of one year. It compares the data to last year’s average. The 2% rejection threshold is an internal performance measure. If the number of rejections goes above the threshold, Elexon will provide additional commentary into the cause.
There are no highlights to report on this graph this month.
Central Systems Availability
This information in this section details the performance of the BSC Central Services Agent in meeting five Key Performance Indicators through the Service Levels over the most recent three months. These are only a representative sample of a more complete and detailed set of Key Performance Indicators that are reported by the BSC Agents in a Monthly Report to Elexon.
Under the different services below there is an indication of the performance of the BSC Central Systems including service losses that are not under the direct control of the BSC Central Services.
% of estimated SSP and SBP calculated and published within 5 minutes of CADL + 15 minutes with the Client and publish the results on the BMRA service.
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
% Accuracy of the BMRA service to load and push all agreed data items including all methods of Data Provision.
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100.00%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
% of outstations interrogated for each calendar day
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
% of valid new registration data received before 14.00 processed the same working day
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
% of Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications processed within 15 minutes of receipt
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
% of scheduled Interim Information Runs, Initial Settlement Runs, Reconciliation Runs, Final Reconciliation Run and Dispute Final Settlement Runs completed correctly
- Service level: 100%
- Achieved excluding all planned outages: 100%
- Achieved including all factors: 100%
Achieved (excluding all planned outages) – This refers to the performance of the systems operated by the Central Services Agent including the impact of service losses outside the Agent’s direct control (e.g. NG unplanned outages, TIBCO Flooding)
Achieved (including all factors) – This refers to the performance of the systems operated by the Central Services Agent including all the impacts of services losses outside the Agent’s direct control (as above) as well as any service losses within the Agents control.
There are no highlights to report on this graph this month.