Performance Assurance Reports


There are a number of reports that provide feedback on the results of some of the Performance Assurance Techniques. These reports feed into the Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR).

Annual Performance Assurance Report

The Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR) provide:

  • the results of the risk evaluation and risk assurance procedures, in particular how well the techniques mitigated the Settlement Risks
  • the costs of Elexon implementing the techniques
  • recommended changes to existing techniques or recommends creating new techniques
  • the benefits of changing the Performance Assurance Techniques

Latest report

Points of interest from the Annual Performance Assurance Report 2019/20 include:

  • Overall reduction in Risk Impact, from £290m to £269m
  • Improved Engagement and interaction across Panels and Work Groups
  • Ongoing improvements to Risk Reporting
  • Ongoing improvements to Risk Assessment
  • Refinements and improvement to Performance Assurance Techniques

Read the complete Annual Performance Assurance Report 2019/20.

Previous reports

BSC Audit Reports

There are three types of BSC Audit reports: Annual BSC Audit Report; Funding Shares Audit Reports; and Market Issue Documents.

  • Annual BSC Audit Report
    Based on the assurance procedures the BSC Auditor performs, it highlights the key BSC Audit issues which have higher levels of potential settlement error or risk associated with them
  • Funding Shares Audit Reports
    The various Funding Shares set out in Section D of the BSC are calculated each month using a mix of actual and estimated data
  • Market Issue Documents
    These detail matters raised by the Auditor for the industry’s attention. They capture widespread concerns which affect all organisations operating in a certain role

Further information

TAA Annual Report

The Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) Annual Report provides the TAA’s view on the health of the Half Hourly metering population in the SVA and CVA markets.

It is based on the findings from the inspections of Technical Assurance of Metering Systems and is used to highlight key market issues, particularly those with high potential materiality or risk to the quality of data used in Settlement.

TAPAP Reports

After some types of Technical Assurance (TA) checks, Elexon produces a non-confidential outcome report that is presented to the PAB. These are Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties Reports.

AIR Reports

After some types of Assurance Information Requests (AIR), Elexon produces a non-confidential outcome report that is presented to the PAB. These are Assurance Information Request Reports.

Annual Demand Ratio reporting

The Annual Demand Ratio (ADR) is one of the key indicators provided by Elexon to outline potential over or under-accounting of energy generation or consumption. While the ADR cannot provide specific root causes for potential errors, when leveraged in conjunction with other tools it supports the identification and resolution of specific Settlement errors.


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