Change Consultations

This page lists all Change Consultations which are opened when we need to obtain feedback from the industry on potential Modifications, Change Proposals and Issues. The page also includes Change Consultations which have ceased to be active as they have reached their closed date.

Please note that we publish Change Proposal Consultations (CPCs) when communicating consultations for Change Proposals. Change Proposal Consultations highlight change information and Impact Assessment responses.

List of Change Consultations 

(Showing items 1-5 of 338)

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View Urgent Modification Consultation for P482: Enable flexible splitting of BSC Agent services and establishing contracts for MHHS Delivery

Urgent Modification Consultation for P482: Enable flexible splitting of BSC Agent services and establishing contracts for MHHS Delivery

To support the transition to Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS), Elexon must sign BSC Agent contracts for the operation of new services. This Modification seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents for the SVAA services at MHHS go-live. It will provide the option of having these new MHHS systems operated by the service providers who developed them, while the currently appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes

View CP1592 Implementation Phase Consultation to Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA systems

CP1592 Implementation Phase Consultation to Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA systems

The current versions of NHHDA (Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation) and EAC/AA (Estimation of Annual Consumption/Annualised Advance) system applications that Elexon provides to Party Agents run on Oracle 12c, for which Oracle Corporation withdrew application support in 2022. 

This CP proposes to upgrade EAC/AA and NHHDA to the latest available version of Oracle 19.21. Where possible, it leverages cost savings by aligning with Elexon’s planned update to other BSC central systems

View P480 Report Phase Consultation Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements

P480 Report Phase Consultation Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements

P480 seeks to facilitate the Electricity System Restoration Standard (ESRS) requirements to publish the day-ahead peak demand forecast for each restoration region and the demand restored in each restoration region published hourly during a System Restoration on BMRS (Elexon’s Insights Solution Platform). P480 is a consequential Modification to GC0156 ‘Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard’.

This Proposed Solution is to make changes to BSC system and BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ and Code Subsidiary Documents to implement these provisions outlined in GC0156. 

View P475 Implementation Consultation on BM Units production / consumption flags

P475 Implementation Consultation on BM Units production / consumption flags

The purpose of this implementation consultation is to seek feedback from industry participants on the proposal to bring forward the Implementation Date of P475. By gathering views on the revised timeline, the consultation allows stakeholders to assess and respond to the impact of an earlier delivery of the Modification.

Elexon has identified an opportunity to adjust the timeline, allowing for the earlier delivery of the Modification’s benefits. This feedback will help the BSC Panel make an informed recommendation to the Authority regarding the updated implementation date, ensuring that both market and participant needs are considered.

View Second Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation

Second Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation

The Authority have sent us a Direction triggering Paragraph 2.11.18 of BSC Section F, this sets out that Ofgem may direct the BSC Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for a Modification. This is due to the Authority considering that the proposed Implementation Date and the previously revised Implementation Date is, or may no longer be, appropriate or might otherwise prevent Ofgem from making a decision.

View P444 Send Back Consultation

P444 Send Back Consultation

This is the P444 ‘Compensation for Virtual Lead Party actions in the Balancing Mechanism’ Send Back Consultation, which Elexon is issuing for industry consultation on behalf of the BSC Panel. The purpose of this consultation is to invite BSC Parties and other interested parties to provide their views on the outcomes of the P444 Send Back process. It includes a summary of the additional work undertaken by Elexon and the Workgroup.

View P481 Report Phase Consultation Enabling Elexon to be the Market Facilitator Delivery Body

P481 Report Phase Consultation Enabling Elexon to be the Market Facilitator Delivery Body

P481 seeks to extend Elexon’s vires to take up the role of Market Facilitator Delivery Body, to implement Ofgem’s decision published on 29 July 2024.

P481 was raised by Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) on 12 September 2024 after BSC Panel Designated ADE to raise this Modification.

View P472 Report Phase Consultation on Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E

P472 Report Phase Consultation on Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E

P472 seeks to amend BSC Section E ‘BSC Agents’ to allow Elexon to remove the requirement for Parties to be able to bring claims against BSC Agents where Elexon believes there would be value in doing so and only where the Panel agrees.


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