SVA Storage Facility data from the Trading Operations Report


The page below details Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) registered Storage Facility data from the previous month.

This data is from Elexon’s Participant Management Platform, and Data and Calculations Platform. This data is provided in this report following BSC Modification P383 ‘Enhanced reporting of demand data to the NETSO to facilitate CUSC Modifications CMP280 and CMP281’.

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List of SVA Storage Facilities

This report contains a list of valid SVA registered Storage Facilities per Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group. The purpose of this report is to provide greater visibility to industry of participating storage facilities for assurance purposes.

An SVA Storage Facility is an Electricity Storage Facility:

  • that performs Electricity Storage as its sole function,
  • is operated by a Storage Facility Operator who also holds a generation licence
  • has its imports and exports measured by Half Hourly Metering Systems which are registered as part of a Supplier BM Unit; and
  • is the subject of a valid Declaration submitted in accordance with the BSC and contains other details that are required in accordance with BSC Section S.


BSC Modification P383 went live on 1 April 2021. There are currently 327 valid Storage Facilities associated with 23 Suppliers in 13 GSP Groups.

SVA Storage Facilities Metered Volume

This graph shows the aggregated Metered Volumes of SVA registered Storage Facilities per GSP Group. Users can filter the graph according to whether the volume was Import or Export and Settlement Run Type.

Elexon are required not to publish Metered Volume data that may be attributed to a single Storage Facility. If there is only one Storage Facility in a GSP Group then the metered volumes are combined with data from other GSP Groups.


In line with P383 obligations, in case there is only one Storage Facility per a GSP Group, we will anonymise those GSP groups into “other” on the graph above to avoid disclosing metered data of the Storage Facilities. At the moment, there are no GSP Groups with one Storage Facility.


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