Energy Settled on Metered data from the Trading Operations Report


The page below details highlighted Energy Settled on Metered data from the previous month. This data is acquired from BSC Agents and inputted to the Trading Operation Monitoring Analysis System (TOMAS) database.

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Energy settled on the HH/NHH Market based on latest Settlement Run

The purpose of the chart below is to provide an indication of the amount of energy being supplied in the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) part of the Settlement System. SVA comprises distribution connected demand. It also includes smaller generation connected to the distribution system but not registered in Central Volume Allocation (CVA).

The chart shows the split of energy in the SVA part of the market either by Measurement Class or GSP Group. Energy measured via meters that record Half Hourly (HH) consumption (the Half Hourly market) have been split into Measurement Classes C, E and, F and G. The Non-Half Hourly (NHH) measured energy, is profiled volumes of electricity consumed (or generated) for each Non-Half Hourly metering system on each day. 

More on Supplier Volume Allocation can be found in BSC Section S Annex S-2.


There are no major highlights. 

NHH energy settled on metered data by GSP Group

Although settlement takes place each half hour Settlement Period, NHH meters are read at varying intervals. Therefore, to accommodate settlement, meter advance is divided up and a portion is allocated to each Settlement Period in the Meter Advance Period (MAP).

The HH apportionment of NHH volumes is accomplished through the use of Estimation of Annual. Consumption / Annualised Advance (AAs and EACs). The maps of Great Britain show how each GSP Group has performed at each Settlement Run, for Settlement Dates in the reporting month of the Trading Operations Report, with respect to the target for each run type. For information, the average achieved performance across all GSP Groups for each run type is also provided. The figures quoted represent the percentage NHH energy settled on metered data for each GSP Group. The colours indicate the level of compliance/non-compliance with respect to the relevant target.

The target for each run type is outlined below each map.



All GSP Groups are below the 97% of energy settled on metered data target at RF. 

Half Hourly energy settled on Metered Data

GSP Group (Measurement Class C)

The maps of Great Britain show how each GSP Group has performed at each Settlement Run, for settlement dates in the reporting month of the Trading Operations Report. The performance is reported with respect to the 99% target for each run type. This section also includes the average achieved performance across all GSP Groups for each run type. The figures quoted for each GSP Group represent the percentage HH energy settled on metered data for each GSP Group. The colours indicate the level of compliance/non-compliance with the 99% target.

As with NHH energy, the BSC requires Suppliers to meet Performance Levels and settle a set percentage of HH energy with actual data. Unlike the NHH market, HH has the same Performance Level at all Settlement Run types. The performance level is set just below 100% (99%) to account for failures due to metering errors, data link failures, access issues and other such factors that cannot be completely mitigated.

Measurement Class C represents Half Hourly Metering Equipment at above 100kW Premises.



All GSP Groups are below the target of 99% of energy settled on metered data at SF. Settlement performance is monitored by the Performance Assurance Board.

GSP Group (Measurement Class E)

The maps of Great Britain show how each GSP Group has performed at each Settlement Run, for settlement dates in the reporting month of the Trading Operations Report. The performance is reported with respect to the 99% target from R1 to RF. This section also includes the average achieved performance across all GSP Groups for each run type.

The figures quoted for each GSP Group represent the percentage HH energy settled on metered data for each GSP Group. The colours indicate the level of compliance/non-compliance with the 99% target.

As with NHH energy, the BSC requires Suppliers to meet Performance Levels and settle a set percentage of HH energy with actual data. Unlike the NHH market, HH has the same Performance Level at all Settlement Run types. The performance level is set just below 100% (99%) to account for failures due to metering errors, data link failures, access issues and other such factors that cannot be completely mitigated.



All GSP Groups are below target at every run type. Performance is being monitored on a monthly basis.

GSP Group (Measurement Classes F and G)

The maps of Great Britain show how each GSP Group has performed at each Settlement Run, for settlement dates in the reporting month of the Trading Operations Report. The performance is reported with respect to the 99% target from R1 to RF. This section also includes the average achieved performance across all GSP Groups for each run type.

The figures quoted for each GSP Group represent the percentage HH energy settled on metered data for each GSP Group. The colours indicate the level of compliance/non-compliance with the 99% target.

As with NHH energy, the BSC requires Suppliers to meet Performance Levels and settle a set percentage of HH energy with actual data. Unlike the NHH market, HH has the same Performance Level at all Settlement Run types. The performance level is set just below 100% (99%) to account for failures due to metering errors, data link failures, access issues and other such factors that cannot be completely mitigated.



All GSP Groups are below target at every run type. Performance is being monitored on a monthly basis.

Backing data for Energy Settled on Metered Data Graphs


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