Peer Comparison Graphs

The peer comparison graphs are published in line with BSCP533. Following the end of a Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring (PARMS) Period (a calendar month), PARMS submissions must be received within 20 Working Days (WDs). The Monthly Supplier Settlement Performance tables are published in line with P427.

Monthly Unmetered Supply Supplier Performance

We have produced reports that showcases the monthly Unmetered Supply Supplier migration performance in anticipation of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement. The graphs detail the count of Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Systems, the count of Half-Hourly (HH) Metering Systems and details of NHH and HH energy volumes (in Megawatts) by Settlement run.

The data has been produced to assist implementation and provide insight for P434 ‘Half Hourly Settlement for UMS Metering Systems’.

Monthly Supplier Settlement Performance

We have produced a report that showcases the monthly Supplier Settlement Performance for Half Hourly Metering Systems, Non-Half Hourly Metering Systems and Sub 100kWh Metering Systems among Suppliers.

The performance data is benchmarked against the established Performance Standards for each market segment under the Balancing and Settlement Code.

How to read the data

The performance data below is split by Market Party Identifier (MPID). Each MPID can be attribute to a BSC Party. An MPID is a four alpha character ID registered within Market Domain Data (MDD) which maintains key information essential to the operation of the SVA arrangements.

Find a full list of MPIDs

A full list of MPIDs mapped to company details can be found within the Qualified Persons Workbook. This workbook is available for download on the Qualified Persons webpage under “About Qualified Persons”.

Latest associated CSV files

Requesting additional graphs

If you would like any SP08a, SP08b or SP09 Graphs that are older than six months, please email Analysis and Insight team.

Technique within Performance Assurance process

Peer Comparison is an incentive technique in the BSC Performance Assurance Framework. Peer Comparison is designed to encourage performance improvement and compliance. Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Serial data is used to show comparative performance across Suppliers and Supplier Agent

Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) is a detective technique and data is provided by Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRAs) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA). Performance requirements are defined within PARMS Serials.


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