BSC Guidance Notes
BSC Guidance Notes give a detailed explanation of various parts of the BSC and operational processes associated to being part of the electricity market.
This page lists links to the PDF versions of the BSC Guidance Notes associated to the Balancing and Settlement Code. However, if you would prefer to access web page versions of the Code, its subsidiary documents, Simple Guides or Guidance Notes, you can find these on the Digital Code site.
List of BSC Guidance Notes
Please note that this page lists all of the BSC Guidance Notes alphabetically.
- Beginners Guide
- BM Units – Change of CVA Primary BM Unit Lead Party (CoPBLP) and Supplier ID Transfer Process
- BM Units – Registration of Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units
- BMRS API and Data Push User Guide
- BSC Accession Agreement
- BSC Accession Form
- BSC Agents
- BSC Audit Process
- BSC Change Process
- BSC Modifications Self-Governance
- BSC Sandbox
- BSC Trading Arrangements
- BSCP Forms Contact Details
- BSCP32 Metering Dispensations Application Key Dates
- BSCP38 Directors Letter Template
- BSCP601 – Protocol Test Script – CoP11
- BSCP601 Protocol Test Script: CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 10
- Burn Hours Review: Methodology Statement
- Business Unit Settlement Risk Ratings (BUSRRs)
- Calculating and Compensating for power transformer and cable (or line) losses – standard methods
- Cancellation of High Grade, Low Grade Communications Service
- Central Management Systems Customers/Operators
- Central Management Systems Equivalent Meter Test Specification
- Central Management Systems Manufacturers
- Change of Measurement Class and Change of Profile Class (COMC)
- Communication Line Request form
- Compliance testing and protocol approval of Settlement Meters and Outstations
- CoP 4 Commissioning of measurement transformers for Settlement purposes
- CoP 4 Guidance
- CoP 4 Sample Meter Calibrations
- CoP Compliance Protocol Approvals
- CoP Timeline
- CP1401 Implementation Guide Cleansing Negative EACs
- CP1465 Implementation Guide
- Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF)
- Credit Assessment Price Review Process (CAP)
- Credit Cover
- Credit Default
- Current Transformer and Voltage Transformer Ratio Valid Set
- CVA Qualification New Participants Guide
- D0023 Resolving Failed Instructions
- D0095 User Guide Volume 1: Process Management Guide
- D0095 User Guide Volume 2: Technical Guide
- D0313 – Auxiliary Meter Technical Details
- D380 Declare Use Form
- D380 Metering Dispensation
- De-appointed Supplier Agents
- Declaration of SVA Non-Final Demand Facility for Exclusion from BSUoS
- Defaulting Party and Failing Supplier Process (Section H)
- Delivery of Advice Notes, Backing Sheets and Confirmation Notices
- Demand Control Event
- Digital Code User Guide
- Direct Debit Form
- ECVAA Web Service
- EFR and EFR Escalation Process
- Embedded Generation and Embedded Benefits
- Erroneous Large EAC/AA Annual Billed Unit
- Erroneous Large EAC/AAs Management and Resolution
- Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) Action Plan Template (BSCP538)
- Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) Plan Checklist
- Exception Reporting in the Half Hourly Market
- Exceptional Circumstances in relation to raising Trading Disputes
- Market Domain Data FAQs
- Market Domain Data Made Easy
- Market Domain Data Overview
- Market Entry SVA Qualification
- Market Exit Flow Diagram
- Market Exit Simple Guide to Withdrawal from the BSC
- Market Role
- Material Change and Triggers for re-Qualification
- Material Doubt Section M
- Measured Central Management System Test Specification
- Metering Demand Sites with generating equipment installed (Import Export metering systems)
- Metering Dispensations and Co-located Generation
- Metering for Offshore Wind Farms
- Metering Systems and Compliance with BSC Metering Codes of Practice
- Microgeneration and the Balancing and Settlement Code
- Monitoring of Incorrect Non Half Hourly (NHH) Energisation Status
- MSIDs and MPANs
- National Measurement Transformer Error Statement
- Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptances
- New Entrant FTP Test Procedures
- NHH Meter Reading Validation Algorithm
- Non Half Hourly (NHH) Estimation During COVID-19
- Non Half Hourly (NHH) Long Term Vacant (LTV) During COVID-19
- Notification of Commissioning Status
- Notification of Commissioning Status Appendix B
- P339 Implementation Guide
- P350 FAQs
- Panel Elections Determining Trading Party Groups
- Panel Elections General Guidance
- PARMS Guidance (obsolete)
- Participant Communications Overview Guide (PCOG)
- Participant Test Service Booking Form
- Participant Test Service User Guide
- Party Novation
- Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) Techniques Guiding Principles
- Performance Assurance Report Mapping
- Performance Assurance Risk Mapping
- Production/Consumption Status and Flag
- Profiling Samples and Candidate Selection
- Schedule of Main and SVA Specified Charges
- Schedule of Specified Communication Charges
- Settlement Calculation Hierarchy Overview
- Settlement Calculation Hierarchy: Calculate BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume
- Settlement Calculation Hierarchy: Calculate Credit Cover Percentage
- Settlement Calculation Hierarchy: Calculate Trading Charges
- Settlement Cashflows
- Settlement Risk 24
- Settlement Risk 25
- Settlement Risk 28
- Site Inspection Visits During COVID-19
- Smart Meter Technical Detail (MTD) Report
- Smart Metering and BSC Codes of Practice
- Smart Metering and Compliance with the BSC
- Statement of Generic Metering Dispensations
- Statement of Site Specific Metering Dispensations
- Street Lighting Load Research Project
- Supplier Guidance on Achieving 97%
- Supplier Guidance on Achieving and Maintaining 99% – Half Hourly Performance
- Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) – Settlement Performance and Performance Assurance
- Suppliers – Energy Imbalance position
- SVA Half Hourly Market Best Practice
- SVA Qualification Approach to Witnessing
- SVA Qualification Storyboards and Test Guidelines
- Technical Assurance Agent Working Instructions
- Technical Assurance Agent Working Instructions for Desktop Audits
- Technical Assurance HH Metering categories common non compliance
- Technical Assurance How to rectify common non-compliances
- Technical Assurance Inspections Securing Access
- Technical Assurance Metering Authorisations
- Technical Assurance Metering Desktop Audits
- Technical Assurance Metering Desktop Audits (FAQs)
- Technical Assurance Performance Assurance Parties
- TERRE Guidance
- Testing Guidelines
- Third Party Access to Licence Exempt Distribution Networks
- Trading Dispute Process for erroneous Large EAC/AA
- Trading Disputes and Affected Parties
- Trading Disputes Committee Party Attendance (obsolete)
- Trading Disputes Determination by Panel
- Trading Disputes Process
- Trading Units
- Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) Determination
- Transmission Losses