List of all BSC Change Proposals
These pages list all Change Proposals (CP) issued since 2001. These are detailed proposals which are raised to amend CSDs and/or BSC Systems, but would not alter the BSC. They must have a clear aim, a single defined solution and contain the relevant redlined documentation changes.
CP1601 Add ‘ZD Authorisation Level’ for receiving Settlement performance data to the BSCP38
The Customer Assurance Report Platform (CARP) is launching in April 2025, which will enable Suppliers to directly access Settlement performance data metrics. It is critical that only authorised persons are granted access to the data for information and security purposes. Currently, there is no agreed method for registering and authorising access to CARP. The BSC already has an authorisation process, defined in BSCP 38: ‘Authorisations’, but it does not include an authorisation level for CARP.
CP1600 Amend BSCP301 to remove e-mail submission of Funds Accession Form
BSCP 301 ‘Clearing, Invoice and Payment’ requires BSC Parties to submit Trading Charges and bank details to Funds Administration Agents (FAA) through two methods: an online form in Elexon Kinnect and a paper BSCP301 Funds Accession Form. However, the existence of these dual processes has led to data inconsistencies and missing information due to misalignment of mandatory fields, increasing the risk of errors during data entry. Ongoing data anomalies may significantly impact the migration to the new FAA system, which will utilise an API for direct data sourcing, emphasising the need for robust data controls that the current paper process does not support.
CP1599 Remove the requirement in BSCP602 to specify the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in Non-Final Demand Declarations
CP1599 proposes updates to BSCP602 to remove the requirement for Non-Final Demand Declarations to specify the HHDA and Effective From Date (EFD) for each MSID. It also adds a process in the Customer Solution to check if an MSID in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register has transitioned to the MHHS arrangements and validate and store the relevant MSID information.
CP1598 Amending the EMDS to add missing Scenario Variants for P375
CP1598 sought to update the Retail Energy Code (REC) Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS), which includes various Market Message Scenario Variants relevant to BSC (Balancing and Settlement Code) processes. BSCP603, introduced for BSC Modification P375, outlined new Scenario Variants of existing Supplier Hub Market Messages to support Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party (AMVLP) processes.
CP1597 ‘BSCP513 Text Change – Bulk Change of Agent’
This CP proposes to remove references to Non Half Hourly Agent roles, and the reference of excluding SVA NHH MOA appointments from BSCP513 to align with Retail Energy Code.
CP1596 Amend BSCP40 to include the process for changes to the Retail Energy Code Energy Market Data Specification
This CP seeks to update BSCP40 to define processes for changing EMDS items.
CP1595 Correcting the D0148 flow in BSCP520 – CP1590 fix
CP1594 Creating an Approval Process for New and Legacy Communication Types
Older metering communication types are quickly becoming redundant and are being replaced by newer communication types. Elexon are proposing to create an approvals process to allow for the managed end dating of older technologies, such as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Circuit Switched Data (CSD) and subsequently 2G.
CP1593 New Interconnector Fuel Type Category: Greenlink
Changes are needed to the Insights Solution to ensure data relating to the new Greenlink Interconnector is provided to market participants alongside existing data relating to Settlement arrangements in the Great Britain (GB) electricity market.
CP1592 Upgrade of NHHDA and EAC/AA systems from Oracle 12c to version 19.21
Upgrade NHHDA and EAC/AA systems to the latest available version of Oracle 19.21.