Imbalance Volumes data from the Trading Operations Report
The page below details highlighted Imbalance Volumes data from the previous month. This data is acquired from BSC Agents and inputted to the Trading Operation Monitoring Analysis System (TOMAS) database.
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Daily Party Imbalance Volumes
This chart shows the daily totals of energy bought from the system (at System Buy Price) by Parties who were “Short”, and the energy sold to the system (at System Sell Price) by Parties who were “Long”. It also shows the average Noon- Effective Temperature to highlight any potential correlation with market conditions and imbalance volumes throughout the period.
There are no highlights to report on this graph this month.
Gross Monthly Party Imbalance Volume and Percentage of Total Demand
This chart plots the monthly gross Party Imbalance Volumes. A second plot shows Party Energy Imbalance Volumes as a percentage of total demand. The chart uses latest run type data.
There are no highlights to report on this graph this month.