
Smart Metering, Smarter Markets and Smart Grids

BEIS (formerly DECC) put in place the regulatory framework for the rollout of smart metering. A mandated rollout of smart meters started in Autumn 2015. By the end of 2020 the government wants smart meters rolled out to all domestic and small business customers.

Elexon’s role

As an organisation that manages wholesale electricity settlement, Elexon has a key role to play in helping the industry meet that challenges and that settlement meets the benefits that smart metering brings. 

During our involvement in this programme of work we have consulted widely with the industry on the issues of smart and advanced metering. 

Elexon also coordinated work around short to medium term settlement reform with the industry through its Profiling and Settlement Review Group (PSRG).

End to end solution

End to End Smart Metering Model

Smart Meter rollout

Smart Meter Rollout Timetable


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