February 2014
Elexon’s response to the Ofgem Consultation on extending the existing smart meter framework for data access and privacy to Smart-Type Meters and Advanced Meters is published on the Industry Insights page.
Ofgem Consultation on extending the existing smart meter framework for data access and privacy to Smart-Type Meters and Advanced Meters
Status: Closed
Issue Date: 19 December 2013
Response Date: 19 February 2014
June 2013
Ofgem has approved Modification Proposal P292 which will enable the changes to Supplier and Non-Half-Hourly Meter Operator Agent (NHHMOA) responsibilities for smart Meter Technical Details (MTD) proposed by the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s smart metering operating model.
May 2013
DECC announced that the mandated rollout of smart meters will now commence in late 2015 and complete by end of 2020.
March 2013
Ofgem has set out the next steps in progressing its Settlement Reform open letter.
Elexon will continue to provide support to Ofgem in developing their thinking on longer term Settlement Reform alongside our work on the short and medium term through the Profiling and Settlement Review Group (PSRG).
January 2013
Elexon responded to the DECC consultation relating to the first version of the Smart Energy Code.
December 2012
Elexon has submitted the BSC Panel’s report to Ofgem setting out how it would undertake a Settlement Reform project, if asked to do so by Ofgem, as part of Ofgem’s Smarter Markets work.
November 2012
We held a seminar on Delivering Settlement Reform on Friday 2 November 2012.
October 2012
Delivering Settlement Reform – A consultation on the review project & invitation to seminar
At the end of July Ofgem asked the BSC Panel to provide them with a report by the end of this year setting out how the Panel and industry could undertake a review and reform of the Settlement arrangements (Supplier Volume Allocation) in support of Ofgem’s Smarter Markets work. Ofgem will decide how it wishes the work to proceed early next year.
Elexon is developing the report in conjunction with an advisory group. We have issued a consultation seeking views on the approach, scope, design, risks, issues and deliverables from such a review. Responses are invited by 9 November.
If you have any questions or we would like to receive a copy of the consultation, please contact the BSC Service Desk.
Response to the DECC’s consultation on the second version of the Smart Metering Technical Specifications (SMETS)
Elexon provided a response to the DECC (now BEIS) consultation on SMETS2. Our answers centre on the management of metering requirements and delivering a centralised industry assurance regime, and the lessons we have learned in doing so.
If you would like to discuss the issues raised, please contact the BSC Service Desk.
June 2012
Response to DECC’s April Smart Metering consultations
Elexon has provided responses to the DECC consultations on:
- Privacy and Data Access
- DCC Licence and Application Regulations
- Smart Energy Code
- Consumer Engagement
The responses can be seen on our Industry Insights page.
If you would like to discuss the issues raised, please contact the BSC Service Desk.
February 2012
Smart Security Governance
Robust industry governance is a key element in ensuring that the smart rollout is successful and data continues to flow into settlement. In our latest thought leadership document, we explore security governance for the GB smart solution. We consider questions such as the key roles and responsibilities of licensees, government bodies and the DCC – and how future changes will be addressed.
Read Smart Security Governance for an outline of Elexon’s views of how good security governance could be achieved as the industry moves forward into a smart world.
If you would like a more detailed version of the paper, or to discuss the issues raised, please contact the BSC Service Desk.
December 2011
Chris Rowell, Elexon’s Smart programme Director spoke at the Smart Metering Forum alongside other speakers including Charles Hendry, Minister for Electricity and senior figures from the NAO, energy suppliers, DNOs and communications service providers.
Chris opened the session on Examining the Commercial Framework and shared Elexon’s insight into how the DCC will develop, its differing activities and how the commercial framework can and should support this.
Elexon is working in this area to help design the lowest risk, most economic solution for the industry and our experience in delivering complex solutions through outsourced Service providers to the multiparty stakeholders is unparalleled.
November 2011
Elexon provided a comprehensive response to DECC’s consultation on the ‘Detailed policy design and Commercial & Regulatory Framework for DCC’. Our response focuses on ensuring that DCC is set up for success and that it can effectively support existing industry processes to ensure the integrity of Settlements.
We have shared our experience as experts in managing central industry rules, systems and changes through robustly managing change and contracts and engaging effectively with customers.
Elexon’s Smart Programme Director, Chris Rowell, will be discussing the DCC at the forthcoming Smart Metering Forum. Our presentation will appear here after the conference.
At the SVG meeting on 1 November 2011, the SVG considered the interaction between the BSC Codes of Practice (CoPs) and the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification (SMETS). The SVG also considered the BSC requirements for early smart Metering Systems which the Supplier chooses to settle on a Half Hourly (HH) basis.
October 2011
Elexon responds to four smart related consultations:
July 2011
Our latest consultation will help identify the benefits and barriers to our customers settling energy volumes Half-Hourly as smart (or Advanced) meters are installed for customers in Profile Classes 1-4.
June 2011
We provide our expert views on options for an assurance framework under the new Smart Energy Code.
April 2011
This seeks to protect consumer interests as Suppliers start rolling out smart meters across Great Britain.
In this thought piece, we explore the use of innovative tariffs for consumers, how they are dealt with in settlement and how we can build on this in a smart enabled world.
March 2011
See the presentation we gave at March’s Future of Utilities and Smart Update Conference on Settlement in a Smart World.
In this presentation we examine what the immediate challenges are for settlement and how they can be managed into the future.
We’re really encouraged by content of the response, particularly as several of the comments directly reflect suggestions we’ve made.