
Credit Assessment Load Factor values for spring 2024 BSC Season: 1 February appeal deadline

The Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) values for the spring 2024 BSC Season, which runs from 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024, are available from the Credit/Credit Alerting section under the Financial and Credit menu on the ELEXON Portal.

If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BMU, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity.

Questions about the CALF value

Q: Why might my calculated CALF value not accurately represent the expected Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit activity? 

A. The CALF calculations for consumption BM Units take the average consumption in the reference season and divide it by the maximum consumption in the reference season. 

If a consumption BM Unit (e.g. a Supplier BM Unit) contains significant amounts of embedded generation, we can recalculate the CALF values using the Embedded Generation Methodology which takes the generation into account.

CALF values are calculated using reference data from the same season last year.  Therefore, if your portfolio has changed significantly in the last year, the reference data may not be representative of your activity in the spring 2024 BSC season.

Q. What can I do if I believe the assigned value does not accurately represent the expected BM Unit activity? 

A. If you are the Lead Party of a non-Credit Qualifying BM Unit, you can appeal an assigned CALF value if you believe it does not accurately represent your expected activity. Depending on the type of appeal, there are different actions you must take which are detailed below. 

Appeal submissions must be competed by 1 February 2024 and submitted to the BSC Service Desk.

Submitting an appeal

Embedded generation appeal

To raise an embedded generation appeal, please complete the CALF Appeals pro forma in Appendix 7 of the CALF Guidance Note document.

To find out more about CALF appeals, please see Section 12 of the CALF Guidance document.

Appeal for different CALF calculation data

To raise an appeal to request that different reference data is used to calculate the CALF Values, please complete the CALF Appeals pro forma in Appendix 5 of the CALF Guidance Note document. You need to complete at least sections 1 and 2. 

If sections 3 onwards are not relevant, please detail the reference period that you would like Elexon to use to recalculate the CALF values and why that reference period would be more reflective of the activity in spring 2024 than the spring 2023 reference period.

Embedded generation appeal using alternative reference data

To raise an embedded generation appeal using alternate reference data, please complete Appendix 7 of the  CALF Guidance Note document and include the reference period that should be used, and why that reference period would be more reflective of predicted activity in spring 2024 than the spring 2023 reference period.

Holiday CALF appeals

If you wish to request recalculated CALF values for the Easter period, the holiday CALF deadline for the spring 2024 BSC Season is Thursday 15 February 2024, 10 working days before the start of the season.

Please request a copy of the Holiday CALF proforma from the BSC Service Desk.


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