
Elexon approves first request for open data

From today anybody regardless of whether they work in the electricity sector or not can get access to the same level of data that is used for most of Elexon’s reporting on electricity Settlement.

More than 370 Settlement data items available

We have approved the first request made to us under our open data process. This request was for access to items in the P114 data flow which covers more than 370 pieces of data, from total system demand to an individual Balancing Mechanism Unit’s balancing action cashflow.

These datasets provide the foundation for our reporting and have a diverse range of applications throughout the energy industry. They can help people obtain more granular information about the electricity system.

How do I access the P114 data items?

To get your hands on the data, you simply need to:

A list of the data items available in the P114 report can be found in this table.

What is open data?

Since a change the BSC rules was implemented June 2021, all of our data has been considered ‘Open’, meaning that anyone can access it, modify it and distribute it with no restrictions, unless the BSC Panel (which governs the code) says otherwise.


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