End to reporting of some transparency data to Elexon
As part of the development of Elexon’s new wholesale market data service, the Insights Solution, we did not migrate some data flows from the legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) to the new platform.
This follows implementation of CP1583 ‘Rationalising publication of European Transparency Regulation (ETR) data on Elexon Systems’.
These reports have previously been identified as being of minimal value to Elexon’s customers as the data is duplicated in other reports, has had no data reported, or has been superseded by subsequent regulatory changes.
Elexon is no longer required to publish the data flows set out in CP1583
CP1583 was approved by the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) in October 2023 for implementation on 1 November 2023. Elexon has not been required to publish the reports set out in CP1583 since 1 November.
While these datasets have not been migrated to the Insights Solution, we will continue to publish these reports on the legacy BMRS until we switch it off on 31 May 2024.
Parties will not need to submit some outage reports
For some of the reports relating to outages, Parties normally make their submissions to National Grid ESO’s Market Operation Data Interface System (MODIS). They will be able to stop submitting the data to ESO.
These reports include:
- Planned Unavailability of Generation Units (B1510)
- Changes in Actual Availability of Generation Units (B1520)
- Planned Unavailability of Production Units (B1530)
- Changes in Actual Availability of Production Units (B1540)
Saving time for companies on reporting
Not having to report this data reduces some of the BSC compliance administration for certain Parties.
Anything else I need to know?
From 31 May 2024, the reports in the list above are no longer being processed and no acknowledgements (acks) will be generated.
Parties can continue their Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) data submissions via MODIS or the Elexon Portal APIs as normal, however acks will be discontinued.
Elexon has created several REMIT APIs (for example ‘Fetch message details by mRID’ or ‘List messages by publish time’ ) on the Insights API Developer Portal which Parties can use to check the status of their submissions.
Need any support?
If you have any questions please get in touch with us via Elexon Support.