
Indicative Settlement Price data now available on the Insights Solution

Elexon has completed the migration of all Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) datasets and functionalities that were in scope to be built onto the Insights Solution platform.

This means that all BMRS datasets are now accessible through the Insights Solution website, APIs and the Insights Real Time Information Service (IRIS).

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Functionality improvements for Indicative Settlement Price data

In the fifth iteration of the Insights Solution we have migrated data on imbalance prices,  imbalance volumes and pricing stacks from the BMRS to the Insights Solution.  This data is available in the ‘Balancing’ section.  See these links:

The data is drawn from the Settlement Administration Agent which (like the Insights Solution) is built into our Kinnect platform.

We have set the Indicative Settlement Price data to be ready approximately 15 minutes after any given Settlement Period, any sooner than this and the data will not reflect bid/offer acceptances, and Balancing Services Adjustment Data. 

We have built in new capability to perform a D+1 (next day) refresh to provide a more accurate view of the data. BMRS does not run a refresh on this data, therefore it is a new enhanced feature.

We have included new functionality called ‘Settlement messages’ to provide customers with early warnings about the status and accuracy of Settlement calculations, for example, in the case of missing Physical Notifications.  You can find the Settlement messages in the ‘Notices’ section.  

Not all BMRS data has been migrated

Some datasets were not migrated from the BMRS to the Insights Solution. This follows implementation of  CP1583 ‘Rationalising publication of European Transparency Regulation (ETR) data on Elexon Systems’. 

New IRIS archive

Since December 2022, we have been providing instant data from the Insights Solution through the Insights  Solution Realtime Information Service (IRIS). From 31 March, it will completely replace the TIBCO service for receiving instant data from the BMRS.

In response to user feedback, we have built the Insights Data Archive, a cloud blob storage service that hosts a carbon copy of every JSON message sent to IRIS users. The archive is publicly readable and updated in near-real-time as IRIS messages are published. You can access it using standard, out of the box software development tools.

From 15 February 2024, historic data, including Indicative Settlement Prices will be available on this archive, for as far back as the start of February 2024 only. There will be no archiving of Indicative Settlement Price data beyond this.  

Switching off the BMRS

We will be moving the switch off the BMRS service entirely in early May 2024.

Stay up to date with all the key steps towards the BMRS switch off on our Insights Solution webpage. where you can also find contact information for our analysis and insights team, if you have any feedback on the Insights Solution service.

Video on how to set up and use the IRIS

IRIS is a near real-time, free, publicly available push service for accessing Insights Solution data. Watch our video to find out how to use the service.

Video Published: February 2024


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