
Latest update to the submission of Market Domain Data (MDD) Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR)

Find out the latest updates for 30 November 2020 regarding the submission of Market Domain Data (MDD) Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR).

The BSC Panel Paper from 12 November 2020 provides a detailed update on the progress Elexon has made on the Market Domain Data (MDD) and Line Loss Factor Classes (LLFC) plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR). This includes the risks, migrations and proposed next steps.

We are continuing to work, along with our service providers and Electralink, on the plan for industry testing.

How to participate in testing

We are looking to involve industry in testing in January 2021, and will share more details in the coming weeks on how all interested Parties can participate.

Next steps

We’re taking the remaining Distributed Network Operator(DNO) TCR Change Request (CR) applications to the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) for approval on 1 December 2020. More details regarding this are available in MDD Circular 717.

In the meantime we are continuing to engage with the Energy Networks Association (ENA), Ofgem and the TCR Steering Group on the next steps.

More about MDD changes

Find out more about the large scale changes to MDD based on Ofgem’s TCR.


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