
Prevailing Network Mapping Statement for BSC Year 2020/2021 published

The latest version of the Prevailing Network Mapping Statement is now available for BSC Year 2021/22 via the Elexon Portal.

Update to Reference Network Mapping Statement

The Prevailing Network Mapping Statement updates the Reference Network Mapping Statement that was approved by the BSC Panel in October 2020 to include any BM Units, Grid Supply Points (GSPs), Interconnectors, high-voltage direct current links and associated Nodes live in Settlement in the period 1 December 2020 to 28 February 2020. Other updates include:

  • removing any BM Units / GSPs that were de-registered during the Reference Year 2019-2020
  • adding any new BM Units / GSPs / Interconnectors that were registered (and any HVDCs that were energised) between 1 September 2020 and 30 November 2020

Allocating Seasonal TLFs

This Prevailing Network Mapping Statement should be used in conjunction with the TLFA-I009 ‘Adjusted Seasonal Zonal Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs)’ to allocate the appropriate Seasonal TLFs to new registrations for use in the BSC Year 2021-2022. The Seasonal Zonal TLFs can be found via the TFL section of the Elexon Portal.

Accessing the Prevailing Network Mapping Statement

The Prevailing Network Mapping Statement can be found in an excel format at the bottom of the BSC Year 2021/22 page of the Elexon Portal.


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