
Submission of MDD and LLFC Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review

Find out the latest updates for 20 October 2020 regarding the submission of Market Domain Data (MDD) Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR).

The BSC Panel is concerned that the numbers of new Line Loss Factor Classes (LLFCs) (increasing from 16,000 to 35,0000) and related valid set combinations (increasing from 208,000 to 470,000)) required to give effect to the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Significant Code Review (SCR) presents a serious risk to Settlement systems and processes. 

Therefore, the Panel is waiting for Central System and industry testing to provide assurances that Settlement systems and processes can cope with a considerably enlarged Market Domain Data set.

Two Change Requests (CR) implemented added 2,122 new LLFCs and 24,287 new valid set combinations to MDD. These will be reflected in D0269/D0270 (MDD) and D0265 (LLFC) flows. 

Panel approved changes

At its September meeting, the BSC Panel approved two MDD CRs to be included in the MDD October release and deferred making a decision on two CRs. The Panel only approved two of the CRs because they included time critical changes necessary for giving effect to system changes and to support the implementation of DCUSA Change Proposal DCP268.

Following the Panel’s approval of these two CRs last week, Elexon produced and published MDD and LLFCs for release 303, which covers CRs M3629 and M3631.

If you have noticed any impact on the performance of your system because of these additions, please contact the BSC Service Desk.

Ongoing engagement

We are continuing to work with our service providers on the testing requirements and timescales as well as liaising with Ofgem and Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSOs). We are planning a mixture of central system testing and will support participant testing through the provision of test data/output files. We are also in conversation with Electralink so we can limit the impact on the DTN.

We will provide a further update as soon as we can. Before making a full testing and MDD progression plan public, we intend to share an indicative plan with LDSOs & IDNOs as soon as possible.

More about MDD changes

Find out more about the large scale changes to MDD based on Ofgem’s TCR.


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