
Watch the webinar on Low Power Instrument Transformers and their potential use in Settlement Metering Systems

Elexon’s Metering Team recently hosted a webinar where Siemens Energy gave a presentation on a new type of technology that has the potential to be used within Settlement Metering Systems, Low Power Instrument Transformers (LPITs).

What are LPITs?

LPITs are new kinds of measurement transformers that offer many advantages over conventional inductive measurement transformers that are specified in the Settlement metering Codes of Practice (CoPs).

What could the benefits be?

In the webinar, Siemens explains what LPITs are and the benefits of their use versus conventional inductive measurement transformers.

Siemens also explains how a solution using LPITs, merging units and digital Meters could be implemented in the relevant CoPs, for example CoPs 1, 2 and 4.

Watch the webinar

The webinar is presented by Mike Smith (Metering Analyst at Elexon) and Dr Peter Menke (Siemens Energy).

Video Published: September 2023
Video Length: 59 mins, 48 sec

What changes may be required?

Elexon concludes the webinar by explaining the Change processes available under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), what sections of the relevant CoPs might need changing and recommends an Issue is raised to discuss the proposals further and make a recommendation to the BSC Panel. At that point a BSC Party can raise Change Proposal to effect changes to the relevant CoPs.

Follow-up questions

If you have any questions about what the webinar covered, please contact [email protected].


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