CP1504: amend BSCP201’s references to dual/single pricing
Formal title: Amend BSCP201’s references to dual/single pricing following implementation of P305
Current Status
Following the Implementation of P305, references to dual and single imbalance pricing in BSCP201 need to be updated in order to restore the clarity of the text. BSCP201 describes the steps to be taken if there is a Black start or Fuel security event. In such circumstances the Secretary of State can direct the Panel to determine and apply a special single imbalance price. P305, Implemented November 2015, replaced the dual imbalance pricing (The normal imbalance price at the time of writing BSCP201) with a single imbalance price. BSCP201’s references to replacing dual pricing with a single imbalance price (following a Black Start event) could cause confusion with the new single imbalance price introduced by P305 and should be amended.
CP1504 was raised by Elexon on 2 March 2018. As CP1504 consists of simple redlining changes which are almost identifiable as housekeeping changes, for efficiency CP1504 was progressed straight to CP Consultation stage. CP1504 was issued for consultation on 5 March 2018, with responses due on 29 March 2018. CP1504 was approved by Panel at its meeting on 12 April 2018 and will be implemented on 1 November 2018 as part of the November 2018 Release.
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CP1504 was implemented on 1 November 2018 as part of the November 2018 Release.