CP1515: Faster Switching

Formal title: Meter Operator Agents to send Metering System Data to SMRS instead of ECOES for the Faster Switching Programme

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


This CP is required to comply with the requirements of Stage 0 of Ofgem’s Faster Switching Programme, which will be implemented on 27 June 2019. The MRASCo Development Board (MDB) has approved v2.0 of DTC CP3554 for implementation on 27 June 2019. BSCP501 ‘Supplier Meter Registration Service’ and BSCP514 ‘SVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems registered in SMRS’ must be amended to place obligations on MOAs (to send the D0312 to SMRAs) and on SMRAs (to receive the D0312). The obligations to send and receive the D0268 are unchanged).

Please follow this link if you would like more information on the Meter Operator Guidance document for the new D0312 process. 


CP1515 was unanimously approved by the SVG on 2 April 2019 for implementation on 27 June 2019.

CP1515 was raised on 4 January 2019. CP1515 was sent out for industry consultation on 7 January, with responses due back 01 February. Elexon identified a material change, meaning CP1515 had to be issued for a second consultation. Elexon called all respondents who highlighted specific concerns, further to this Elexon held a joint teleconference call with Gemserv with all bar one respondent to the first consultation. During the teleconference call, respondents unanimously agreed the amended redlined text, as well as noted that Elexon would address inconsistency and clarification issues that were highlighted in the first version of the redlining. Elexon issued CP1515 for a second consultation on 01 March 2019, with responses due 14 March 2019. Elexon is now reviewing all comments made by market participants in response to the second CP1515 consultation, and are preparing the Assessment Report for SVG on 02 April 2019.

Next Events

CP1513 was implemented on the 27 June 2019, as part of the June 2019 BSC Release.


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