CP1585 Submission of Half Hourly data for Embedded LDSO sites to Host LDSO

Formal title: Submission of D0275 or D0036 readings from HH connected Embedded Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) sites to Host LDSO

This CP proposes that the Half Hourly Data Collector send Half Hourly data for Embedded LDSO connected sites to the Host LDSO via D0275 and/or D0036 to improve the quality of forecasting and reduce manual effort. 

Host Licenced Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) receive Half Hourly (HH) data for Embedded LDSO sites from the Embedded LDSOs, but this data is often received months later, after manual aggregation. In contrast, the Host LDSO receives the same data for sites connected to their own network in a timeline manner via market messages. The delay means that data for Embedded LDSO connected sites has to be estimated, which reduces the quality of forecasting.

Current Status

Change Proposal Consultation
Committee Decision


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