Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point (GSP) to a GSP Group – 30 October 2019
Elexon has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator. UK Power Networks are connecting two new circuits into the Richborough 132kV substation.
Who will this impact?
Elexon has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). UK Power Networks (South Eastern Power Networks) (SBPN) is connecting two new circuits into the Richborough 132kV substation. This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Richborough GSP (RICH_J).
The NETSO proposes that GSP RICH_J is allocated to the South Eastern (_J) GSP Group.
If you have any views on the allocation of the above GSP to the South Eastern GSP Group, please respond using the consultation response form, and send to [email protected] by 17:00 on 12 November 2019.
Your response should be titled ‘Richborough GSP Registration’.