
Data Release Consultation: Total Number of MPANs by DA, DC and MOA (DR197306)

This consultation seeks to publish the count of Metering Systems per Data Collector (DC), Data Aggregator (DA) and Meter Operating Agent (MOA) under a BSC Open Data Licence. This will improve the visibility of the market for these roles.


Who will this impact?

The approval of publishing the data items within this consultation under a BSC Open Data Licence will provide new data to all BSC Data users.

In particular, this will impact BSC Parties with the role of:

  • DA (Data Aggregators) (Half Hourly and Non-Half Hourly)
  • DC (Data Collectors) (Half Hourly and Non-Half Hourly)
  • MOA (Meter Operating Agents)

What is proposed?

Elexon have assessed these five data items which aim to provide better visibility of the distribution of MPANs through the composition of the market for each role. A single snapshot of the data provided on a quarterly basis would allow an insight in the changes in customer base between different agents and also an insight in the progression of the industry in moving from NHH to HH metering. 

What data will this impact?

Our assessment and recommended Classifications of the data items within the Open Data Request are summarised in the Table below. Each data item has been assessed on the criteria defined within the Process for Requesting BSC Data Code Subsidiary Document.

Table: Data items and their recommended Classification

Data Item 

Elexon Recommendation 


Total number of MPANs per MO 


The data item identifies the MO id, however Elexon do not foresee any negative consumer impact from the Open publication of this data item. Elexon also see no sensitivity related to this item and a benefit to industry to publish. 

Total number of MPANs per HH & NHH DC 


The data item identifies the DC id, however Elexon do not foresee any negative consumer impact from the Open publication of this data item. Elexon also see no sensitivity related to this item and a benefit to industry to publish. 

Total number of MPANs per HH & NHH DA 


The data item identifies the DA id, however Elexon do not foresee any negative consumer impact from the Open publication of this data item. Elexon also see no sensitivity related to this item and a benefit to industry to publish. 

Once these data items are deemed Open, Elexon will scope publishing these data items in the Trading Operations Report through a csv and a Power BI visualisation which will be updated on a quarterly basis.


Elexon recommends all data items contained within DR197306 be Classified as Open and published under the BSC Open Data Licence.

Background to this proposal

On 30 September 2021, Elexon received an Open Data Request to openly publish a monthly report that outlines the MPAN counts for agents which are appointed, covering MO (Meter Operators), HH DC (Data Collectors), NHH DC, HH DA (Data Aggregators) and NHH DA roles.  


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