P442 Assessment Procedure Consultation
P442 seeks to allow correct reporting of chargeable volumes to the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Settlement Services Provider (SSP) for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems that record both exempt supply and licensed supply through the addition of a new Party Agent role, the Exempt Supply Notification Agent.
Who will this impact?
This Modification is expected to impact:
- Licenced Suppliers;
- Exempt suppliers;
- Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs);
- Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Settlement Services Provider (SSP).
What is proposed?
The proposed solution is for a new Party Agent role, the Exempt Supply Notification Agent (ESNA), to be defined. The ESNA would calculate the volumes of licensed and exempt supply, and submit them to BSC central Systems, based on metered data provided by the HHDC or Supplier. The ESNA would be required to undergo a Qualification process to ensure compliance with Settlement requirements.