
Automated Submission and Validation of BSCP509 Forms

SVG set up an MDD Expert Group in March 2008. This DCP is one of 4 changes recommended by the Group.

This DCP sets out a number of options for automating the submission of MDD forms.


Elexon raised DCP0035 on 01 October 2008 on behalf of the MDD Expert Group. We issued DCP0035 for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00644.

DCP0035  ‘ Automated Submission and Validation of BSCP509 Forms’ was issued by Elexon for industry impact assessment in CPC00644. This DCP has now been withdrawn. This decision was taken because the scope for implementation has changed. In place of the originally proposed validation and submission functionality; a tool will be developed which will be used internally within Elexon to improve the validation of MDD change forms. This tool will also be used from an audit perspective and will maintain all the key activities in the MDD process centrally.


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