
Amendments to BSCP509 following an expert group review of the MDD process

SVG set up an MDD Expert Group in March 2008. This DCP is one of 4 changes recommended by the Group.

The MDD Expert Group have suggested a number of changes to processes BSCP509. The proposed solutions impact four areas of BSCP509: an incorrect reference to BSCP11 ‘Trading Queries and Trading Disputes’; changes to Appendix 4.1 – ‘MDD Entities and Authorisation Route’; remove duplicate sections in Appendix 4.2; and changes to the MDD Entity forms in the Appendix to BSCP509.


Elexon raised DCP0036 on 01 October 2008 on behalf of the MDD Expert Group. We issued DCP0036 for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC000644. DCP0036 has be closed and progressed as CP1270.


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