
Elexon’s Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Export Settlement Workshop

Elexon will host four Settlement Workshops this year aiming to improve settlement performance in all four market segments: Non Half Hourly (NHH) Export, Non Half Hourly (NHH) Imports, Half Hourly Sub 100Kw and Half Hourly Import Performance. The focus for our first workshop is Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Export which will be taking place on Tuesday 14 May 2024 in person at the Elexon offices (ELEXON, Pink Room, 4th Floor, 350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AW).

The aim of this event is to bring Suppliers together to discuss the current challenges being experienced in the NHH Export Market Segment, discuss and share useful solutions currently being implemented by some Suppliers and identify what further actions can be incorporated to improve overall settlement performance in this area.

Who will benefit?

All Suppliers who currently operate in the NHH Export Market Segment will be encouraged to attend, as this is Elexon’s first intervention into creating a space for Suppliers to discuss steps toward improved overall performance. Due to limited space, OSMs will reach out to specific Suppliers and we request that each Supplier invited, only register up to four attendees per organisation.

What will the workshop entail?

Elexon will walk through the history of performance in the NHH Export market segment, outline the obligations as stated within the BSC Code and all involved will discuss what can be done to help improve performance. We will finalise this event by delving into discussions about what the future looks like for NHH Exports with the introduction of Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement. Attendees are encouraged to read Supplier Guidance on Achieving 97% before the event.


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