
P426 Workgroup 2

This is the second meeting of the P426 ‘Combining related BSC Parties’ Energy Indebtedness positions for the Credit Cover Percentage calculation’ Workgroup.

The purpose of this meeting is:

  • Consideration of legal feedback on proposed solution; and
  • Further development and refinement of proposed solution

Find out more about P426


  1. Welcome & Meeting objectives
  2. Summary of Workgroup 1 and Actions
  3. Overview of Payment and Credit Default process
  4. Development of proposed solution
    1. Provision of Credit Cover
    2. Defining entities
    3. Governance and process
  5. Discussion on the proposed solution
  6. Wider market context and potential BSC impacts
  7. Next steps
  8. AOB & Meeting close

How to join the meeting

Telephone: +44 20 7660 8177
Conference ID: 447 025 80# 

A link to join the meeting is provided in the Outlook meeting invite from Elexon.


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