Change of Measurement Class for Smart Meters Working Group (ceased)
The Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) for Smart Meters Working Group is closed.
Ofgem has asked Elexon to chair a cross-code Workgroup to look into the CoMC changes needed to enable the elective Half Hourly (HH) Settlement of smart meters. This follows the publication of Ofgem’s conclusions paper on elective Half Hourly Settlement, which identifies CoMC for smart meters as a priority area.
The conclusions paper describes the benefits of improving the current process by making it cheaper and faster for settling those domestic and smaller non-domestic customers who wish to do so in a half hourly manner.
The focus of this Working Group will be to develop the necessary CoMC BSC Change Proposals (CPs) and Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) CPs to enable elective Half Hourly Settlement of smart meters. It will build on the progress made by the Profiling and Settlement Reform Group (PSRG), Settlement Reform Advisory Group (SRAG) and the strawman developed by Elexon.
Ofgem’s aspiration is for the necessary changes to be raised by the end of August. The success of this work is dependent on the availability and participation of working group members with the appropriate skills and experience.