P441 Workgroup meeting 2
The second meeting for P441 ‘Creation of Complex Site Classes’ will take place on Tuesday 6 December 2022 from 09:30 until 15:30.
Meeting Objectives:
- Reconvene the P441 Workgroup
- Consider the P441 Terms of Reference
- Consider any potential solution(s) which may require further development for discussion at future meetings
- Confirm the next steps
1. | Welcome and meeting objectives |
2. | Actions and Recap of Workgroup meeting 1 |
3. | Terms of Reference (ToR) |
4. |
What MSIDs needs to be registered for each Complex Site Class? |
5. | Impact of Class 5 Complex Sites on Network and BSC Charges |
6. | Class 5 Complex Site – Notification to Elexon |
7. | Class 5 Complex Site – Central Register |
8. | Next Steps |
9. | AOB & Meeting close |