Matthew Slocombe

Matthew Slocombe is a Product Analyst in the Analysis and Insights team at Elexon working on the data reports and processes.

Role at Elexon

The Analysis and Insights team helps our customers, Data Providers, Forecasters, Traders and Researchers make key decisions by providing immediate and real-time access to all the electricity market information and insight they need.

We collect, consolidate, validate and visualise all the information, adding value through insight and forecasts. All of this has historically been delivered through the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) which over time will migrated to our new Insights Solution, backed up with full API data and rapid download capability.

Interviews, presentations and articles

Experience in the industry

Although the electricity industry is new to me my previous work in statistics at the Department for Transport has given me extensive knowledge around the collection, validation and publication of official statistics. I spent seven years at the Department for Transport covering different subject areas, including port freight, bus fares, and the National Travel Survey. Much of this was a mixture of processing raw data and customer reporting.


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