Join our webinar on the upcoming P395 changes
Elexon will implement Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Modification P395 ‘Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution’ on 2 November as part of the November 2023 BSC Release.
We are hosting a webinar on 21 September 2023 to explain the changes.
What is P395?
Electricity Market Reform Services (EMRS) calculates the Final Consumption Levies (FCL) for each Supplier and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Registrant. The FCLs recover costs for schemes such as Contracts for Difference and the Capacity Market. Registrants are the owners of meters.
Currently the FCLs are calculated by EMRS. The calculation is based on the Balancing Mechanism Unit Gross Demand provided by our BSC Systems in the SAA-I042 Settlement report interface.
However, the Electricity Act 1989’s definition of supply excludes electricity supplied by Suppliers to Generators, and Storage operated by Generation licensees should not be subject to FCLs. The joint Government and Ofgem smart systems and flexibility plan also states that FCLs should not be charged for such imports.
Currently EMRS is operating an interim solution to resolve this issue. The solution involves adjusts the Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit Gross Demand to remove imports provided to generation and / or storage through Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) metering systems. This is being used where there is no final demand by consumers. However, EMRS cannot adjust the BM Unit Gross Demand for SVA-connected sites where there is also final demand, or for any Central Volume Allocation (CVA) connected sites.
New and amended processes for an enduring solution
P395 will introduce new and amended processes so that the data provided to EMRS in the SAA-I042 report will exclude electricity imported by Generators and / or Storage facilities operated by a Generation licensee. This applies to all SVA-connected sites and CVA-connected sites with no final demand.
Join our webinar to explain the P395 reforms
On 21 September 2023, Elexon will host a webinar from 10:30-12:00 to explain P395 in more detail and what companies need to know so that they can benefit from the changes.
If you are a Supplier, Generator, Half Hourly Data Collector, or Meter Operator Agent, these changes will be of interest to you.
The webinar will cover:
- How P395 will work, and what the impact is on interested BSC Parties
- How to submit P395 Declarations through the new screens added to the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution. This will, for example, allow a Supplier to register an asset in order to obtain an Asset Metering System ID (AMSID) Pair for P395. This can then be included in an EMR AMSID Declaration
- Explaining the opportunity for Suppliers and Registrants to familiarise themselves with the new functionality in industry testing (taking place w/c 16 October 2023)
- Q&As with our presenters
Sign up for the webinar
Please sign up to attend the webinar by using this Gotowebinar link.
We will record the webinar and publish the link on our website, for anyone who cannot attend on the day.
Participation in the P395 reforms is voluntary
This will allow EMRS to decommission the interim solution. Suppliers and CVA Registrants should note that participation in the P395 reforms is voluntary – they will not be mandated to use the new processes.
- Read about the Smart systems and flexibility plan
- See the Electricity Market Reform Services website