
Workgroup members wanted for Modification P469

We are looking for members to join the Modification P459 ‘Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Period Modification’ Workgroup, which seeks to delay the Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Periods. This change would give parties a two-hour window from the Level 2 Credit Default notification until the time when any Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVN) related to a defaulting party are rejected.

Who do we expect this to impact?

This would impact Trading Parties, Generators and the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA)/

When is the meeting and how do I sign up?

It is likely that the first P469 Workgroup will be held early in May 2024.

You can join the Workgroup as a voting member, a non-voting member or be added to the Workgroup mailing list.

Where can I find further information?

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this Modification further please contact the BSC Change team.


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