CP1038 – Optional Data Items in D0052 Flow

Formal title: Optional Data Items in D0052 Flow

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


All data items on the ‘Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details (D0052) flow are mandatory. This can result in D0052 flows being rejected due to inconsistencies in items other than those which the Supplier is intending to change. For example, on change of Standard Settlement Configuration (SSC) or Profile Class, a D0052 may be rejected because of validation of the Effective From Settlement Date of the GSP Group or the Measurement Class. In particular, Suppliers may experience difficulties in populating the Effective From Settlement Date {MSGGDC} (J0093). Although the ‘Confirmation of the Registration of a Metering Point (D0217) flow includes a Metering System’s GSP Group, it does not include the effective date of when the Metering System was registered in the GSP Group. This presents Suppliers with difficulties in populating the D0052 flow and may cause the flow to be rejected.


This CP was implemented


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